Phyllis B. ames-bey
Welcome to Meet Phyllis, the website for Phylsadar,LLC. Phylsadar,LLC is
selling books written by phyllis ames-bey. At a future date when the business expands, it will
also be selling tee-shirts, posters and cds with poems set to music from the book
Books from my Desk
- I Had To Go There To Get Here
- What The Three As One Revealed To Me
- Grace, Goodness, and Mercy of Abba Father
I Had To Go There To Get Here
It is What it is. Some of the proceeds will go into a fund set aside to provide shelter to the homeless. That project is name- My House Shall be Called a House of Prayer for All Nations.
About The Book
What You Will Learn From The Book
I Had To Go There To Get Here– is the story of my life in poetry form. The book was written over a period of 43 years. It consist of poems, poetry, lyrics, songs and prayers expressing what I experienced in life and my reactions to different situations. This book was written to help others avoid the pitfalls I experienced, and if others experienced some, how to possible handle those situations. This book is also a gold mine for singers looking for new material to sing.
Meet The Writer
Phyllis B. ames-bey
Three of her readers have stated, phyllis books represent who she is as a writer, woman, mother and child of God.
She is real- no pretentiousness. She is a model of God’s unfailing love. She is likeable. Phyllis is a prolific writer She shares all her struggles and joys on her journey finding and seeking God.